Originally built in 1955, T.O. Smith Elementary School had reached the end of it's useful life and the need for a new school arose. Ogden School District, NWL Architects, and Hughes General Contractors worked together to replace the outdated school with a beautiful new building on the site of the existing school. The new school, now named Liberty Elementary, incorporates modern security features, enhanced technology and provides a learning environment that supports the social and emotional growth of the students. Key features include a central learning stair and unstructured space outside of the classroom for extended learning activities. The school serves grades K-6 and can accommodate up to 700 students. 

The building, as many of Ogden City's schools, is located on an urban neighborhood site, smaller than many newer suburban schools. Due to this, there was not an option of building the new structure on the playground and parking areas of the original building. Ultimately, Students were moved off-site for the duration of demolition and construction – a challenge for parents, students, faculty, but the resulting product was worth the effort and will serve the Ogden community for decades to come.